Network Marketing Lead Generation: Twitter
(Part 2)
If you missed part 1 of how to generate 5 leads a day from twitter, click here: Twitter Lead Generation.
The 3 key steps to getting more leads on twitter is to attract, connect, and funnel. You want to attract a targeted following, connect and engage with your followers, and then funnel traffic from twitter to your lead capture page. In part 1, I shared how to attract a targeted following on twitter. Now, in part 2, I am going to discuss how to connect with your followers and build trust.
5 Ways to Build Strong Relationships on Twitter:
1) Welcome Your Followers
Sending a DM (direct message) to your new followers, is a great way to get a conversation started with them. You can ask a question or point your new followers to your Facebook profile page or blog so they can connect with you further. One of the great free tools that you can use to automate your direct messages is SocialOomph
2) Ask Questions
Engage in a two-way dialogue with your followers. Ask questions to get a conversation started. You can tweet out a question to your entire list of followers or send @mention’s or DM’s to your individual followers. The point here is to make twitter conversational and to start creating a discussion with your followers.
3)Answer Questions
Pay attention to your twitter feed to see if anyone that you are following has asked a question. If so, find the answer to the question and respond. You should become a trusted adviser and a trusted source for information and helpful advice. This is a great way to connect with other people on twitter. You should also answer questions that people send directly to you on twitter. Again, the key here is to make yourself available to others and to participate in conversations with them.
4) Point others to helpful information
To continue with tip #3 above, on twitter you want to connect with others and build a following by sharing helpful tips, news, and advice. If you find anything interesting that can help solve the problems of your followers, tweet it and share it.
5) Retweet Others
Retweeting others is also another great way to build relationships with other people on twitter. By helping other people to get their content shared, you can build a relationship with them and most times, they will return the favor. Again, the key to really building strong relationships on twitter is to give more than you receive.
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